A list of useful tools & utilities.
A growing list of tools & utilities to help with a wide range of tasks. Basic or web based tools will be listed on this main page, whilst more in-depth explanations of more unique tools will get their own sub-page.
AppDevTools : extensive list of useful developer tools.
arp-scan : local network scanner.
Bettercap : swiss-army knife for WiFi hacking and MITM attacks.
Crackstation : online password hash cracking tool.
Ettercap : suite which assists in performing MITM attacks.
GTFOBins : curated list of exploitable Unix binaries.
LES (Linux Exploit Detector) : assists in detecting security flaws in Linux.
LinEnum : general Linux enumeration tool.
linPEAS : Linux privilege escalation enumeration tool.
Linux Priv Checker : basic system enumeration and privilege escalation checker.
Linux Smart Enumeration : privilege escalation tool for Linux.
Nessus : vulnerability scanner.
Oracle VM Virtual BOX : my preferred VM software, has most features that VMWare Workstation requires payment for. A little harder to setup.
Process Hacker : resource monitor, debugger, malware detector.
SecLists : huge collection of helpful wordlists for pentesting and vulnerability testing.
SET : Social Engineering Toolkit with a multitude of tools.
SRIHash : anti-tamper tool for generating URL hashes.
WinDirStat : disk usage statistic viewer for Windows, very handy.
Last updated