Basic setup & usage of GoPhish.
GoPhish is an open-source phishing platform which can be used to carry out phishing campaigns and collect analytics. GoPhish can be acquired from here.
Using GoPhish
Sending Profiles: from the left hand menu in GoPhish, this lets you input the connection details required to actually send Phishing emails. This is an SMTP server you have access to. A sending profile requires at least: name, from, and host.
Landing Pages: from the left hand menu in GoPhish, this is the website the phishing email will direct the target to, this is typically going to be a spoof of a website they are familiar with. When creating a new landing page, you can import a site or enter raw HTML to generate a site.
Email Templates: from the left hand menu in GoPhish, this is the design and content of the email that you will be sending. It will need to be persuasive and contain a link to the landing page. You can also import an existing email or add files.
Users & Groups: from the left hand menu in GoPhish, this is where you store the emails of your intended targets. When creating a new group, you can add users manually or import a bulk of users.
Campaigns: from the left hand menu in GoPhish, this is where you set campaigns. When setting a campaign you will need to populate the following info:
Name : campaign name
Email Template
Landing Page
Launch Date
Sending Profile
Results: this page is presented after a campaign has been run. This displays statistics like emails sent, emails opened, links clicked, data submitted and times email was reported. You can dig into individual records by clicking the drop down arrow next to the record.
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