SMTP ports you need to understand are:
TCP 25: default for non-encrypted communications.
TCP 465: port registered by IANA for SMTP over SSL (SMTPS). Note, this has been deprecated in favour of STARTTLS.
TCP 587: Secure SMTP (SSMTP) for encrypted communication using STARTTLS.
TCP 110: default port for POP3 non-encrypted communications.
TCP 995: default port for POP3 encrypted communications.
TCP 143: default port for IMAP in non-encrypted communications.
TCP 993: default port for IMAP in SSL/TLS communications.
Some useful SMTP commands for validation are:
HELO: initiate SMTP conversation with mail server.
EHLO: initiate ESMTP conversation with mail server.
STARTTLS: start a TLS connection to mail server.
RCPT: denote mail address of recipient.
DATA: initiate transfer of contents of an email message.
RSET: cancel an email transaction.
MAIL: used to denote mail address of sender.
QUIT: used to close connection.
HELP: display help.
AUTH: authenticate client to server.
VRFY: used to verify if a user's mailbox exists.
EXPN: request, or expand a mailing list.
Last updated