3.1.4 Estimate Workload Costs
How to estimate workload cost with pricing calculator.
The pricing calculator can be found here.
Before running the pricing calculator, you need a sense of what is needed. For a basic web app hosted in your data centre this could be:
An ASP.NET web app running on Windows. Web app provides info about product inventory and pricing. There are two VMs connected via a central load balancer. The web app connects to a SQL server database holding inventory and pricing info.
To migrate to Azure, you might:
Use Azure VMs
Use Azure app gateway for load balancing
Use Azure SQL database to hold inventory and pricing info
Some basic requirements are:
App is used internally only
App doesn't require a huge amount of compute
The VMs run all the time (730 hours per month)
The network processes about 1TB of data per month
Requires no more than 32GB of storage