3.2.4 Describe the Purpose of Resource Locks
Description of Azure Resource Locks.
Even with RBAC, there is still a risk that someone accidentally deletes a critical resource. Resource locks can prevent a resource from being modified or deleted. These can be applied to resources, resource groups, or entire subscriptions. They are also inherited. There are two types of lock:
Delete means authorised users can read and modify a resource, but can't delete it.
ReadOnly means authorised users can read a resource, but can't delete or update it.
Resource locks are managed from Azure Portal, PowerShell, Azure CLI or an Azure Resource Manager template. In the portal, go to the settings of any resource to add, view or delete a lock.
How do I Delete or Change a Locked Rsource?
To do this, first remove the lock and then apply the change. Locks apply regardless of RBAC permissions.